
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Farewell and Passing the Torch

We are in the final stages of transferring ownership of Stuff for Sprouts to its new "mom". I am signing off here now and the next post will be coming from her.

Thanks to all for your support over the past 18 months - it has been my pleasure to meet and "talk" with you all. I wish Sprouticus and all the rest of you all the best. Stuff for Sprouts will be in good hands and I am so excited to see what happens next!

If you want to come visit me - I'll be over here.

Take care!

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hang On a Minute

I am in the process of moving some website stuff around, and it is possible that at some point will go off-line for a bit.

I am hoping not, and I guess it is unlikely for anyone to find this post if it does, in fact, go down.

But, I did want to say something about it somewhere!

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Potamas Product Review

Thanks so much to Potamus Prefers for their awesome review of Lip Stuff for Crispy Kissers. And how totally cute is their logo?

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