As part of the Campaign to Conquer Crunchiness, we would love for people to send in pictures of Sprouticus at various places across America (or Canada - our campaign knows no boundaries!). If you follow the link you can print out a picture of Sprouticus - just take that picture to somewhere that represents your place in the US. If you have one of the stuffed Sprouticus toys, use that! Send me the photos via e-mail and I will post them.
I think it could be very entertaining to see where he shows up.
We do have customers and newsletter subscribers all across the country.
The most creative photo will receive a prize. I haven't decided on the appropriate prize. Any suggestions? I am thinking a gift card for gas? Something travel related seems to make sense.
While you are at it, sign up for our newsletter (see the little box on the left - just put in your e-mail) and you will be automatically entered in our raffle for a $50 Visa Gift Card and a gift basket of Stuff for Sprouts products valued at over $50.
And, you know, if you wanted to shop a tad bit while you are wandering around the web site...feel free!

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