Today we went to the Historic Vehicle Museum in Boyertown, PA. Tater was quite disappointed that they were all OLD cars and quite freaked by the automated lights that only came on when you approached a display (while the rest of the warehouse-like space was dark, and admittedly, creepy). So my darling children whined and complained about how loooong it was taking to look at everything (grand total - 20 minutes) and that there was nothing to DO there (except, you know, look at the old cars...)
And yet, they wanted something from the gift shop (no, we didn't get anything).
We came home for lunch.
We did a craft project where we made fingerprints and then drew faces and silly hair on them. We each made our entire family. Very cute results.
We took Sprout to her viola lesson (she also practiced quite obsessively throughout the day). I made the HUGE mistake of taking Tater to the toy store to "look around" to kill time during the lesson. He found a stuffed dog (to add to his collection of about 20 KABILLION stuffed dogs) that he felt he must have. I told him that if he still wanted it next week he could bring birthday money and buy it. This resulted in him asking every 30 seconds or so if he could just borrow the money and pay me back later. All night. Even at bedtime. Apparently he really wants this dog. And isn't going to forget about it (as I had hoped).
We went and played at the playground.
We went out for dinner (because we stayed too long at the playground and there was no way to make anything for dinner...).
I read 4 chapters of Harry Potter to two different children (Tater just started book #1, Sprout is finishing up #6).
I am exhausted. How do people do this EVERY DAY? Kudos, ladies (and gentlemen).
My hat is off to you.

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