I got all excited when I looked at my web stats this morning because there were 17 (yes, double digits!) hits on this blog yesterday. And I thought - WOW - someone is actually reading it!! Then I realized that 10 of the 17 were me...
Which I guess leaves 7 that aren't me. So "HI!" people who aren't me!
I found out yesterday that there is a 12-14 week lead time to make those cute little foil sample packets for the super wonderful Sunscreen for Shady Kids. That would be pretty much AFTER the summer. Which would be a big fat problem.
So I am looking at other alternatives to speed things up. I SO want those little foil packets.
Right now I am working on samples for a bunch of events (which is a good thing). My current sampling process (because foil packets weren't an option with one of my suppliers) is:
Put little jars out on the table.
Fill little jars with cream using one of those things you would normally use to pipe frosting (don't worry - new, clean ones - not frosting filled ones!)
Put the little lids on the little jars.
Put little stickers on top of the little lids.
Take a little bag and insert a card with product information.
Take a little tag and put a sticker on it.
Put the little jar in the little bag with the card and tie the tag on the top.
Whew. The end result is fairly cute. But wow - what a project. At least I can sit and watch TV while I do most of it. But making 715 samples this way is not fun.
So I really want those foil packets. Now.

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