I want this woman to be my friend. She is all cool and confident and smart and funny.
And I, it seems, am not. Maybe I could be cool and confident by association if she was my friend. Or maybe I would be that much less cool and confident in comparison...
Enough moping. Time for the good stuff!
Coast-to-Coast distribution has been achieved! I have the shipment all ready to go to The Kids Club in Seattle. Yay! So, to the extent that Kennett Square, PA represents the East Coast and Seattle represents the West, Stuff for Sprouts is officially coast-to-coast!
I am going to attending "First Friday" in Kennett Square this evening from 5:30 till 8:30 or so. I will be at Bedbugzz on State Street if you would like to come visit!
This weekend is Tater-palooza. Graduation was last night (sob) and he has a "friend" birthday party on Saturday and then a "family" party at home on Sunday. We were planning to set up a pool and Slip-n-Slide outside for the kids, but now that it is going to be close to 100 degrees here in PA, I am afraid we will end up with kid soup if we put them out in the water. So we may have to come up with a Plan B.
We are making t-shirts for the kids for the Saturday party - mostly so that I can keep track of them. The kids and I tie-dyed t-shirts for everyone (I KNOW - how Martha Stewart are we??) and then we made iron-ons that say "Tater-palooza 2008" (not really, they have his real name...) So after I get back from First Friday I will be madly ironing-on into the night.
Sprout has her first sleep-over party tonight. I am hopeful that all of the little girls can remain friends for the 12 hours that they will be together...fingers-crossed on that one.
That's all I've got. Hope you have a great weekend doing whatever it is that you do!

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