This is lengthy and painful...but sort of funny in a weird, customer-service-sucks sort of way. And no, my e-mail still isn't fixed.
user Kristen_ has entered roomKristen
Using hosted mail server - outgoing mail won't work?>analyst Madonna.21799 has entered room
Hello Kristen_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat>Madonna.21799
Support.My name is Madonna.21799. Please give me one moment
to review your information.
I understand that you are having an issue with your>Kristen_
Outgoing mail.
Did Comcast recently start blocking outgoing mail on SMTP>Madonna.21799
port 25?
I apologize for the inconvenience.>Madonna.21799
I would be glad to help you with that issue.>Madonna.21799
Kristen, please change port 25 to port 587.>Kristen_
I did that, it still isn't working.>Madonna.21799
Can you try to send a test mail again to get the>Kristen_
exact error message?
Sure - it says it is timing out ->Madonna.21799
I will get you the exact message in a second.
Thank you.>Kristen_
Error: -3259>Kristen_
It was the same when I had the port as 25.>Madonna.21799
Thank you for that information.>Madonna.21799
Can you try to log in to your email account using>Kristen_
Yes, it works fine that way.>Kristen_
Incoming and outgoing.>Madonna.21799
Can you send an email account using your Webmail?>Kristen_
I don't understand the question.>Madonna.21799
I apologize for the confusion.>Madonna.21799
I will provide you the information on how to verify your>Kristen_
Outlook Express settings.
Yes, I can send mail from this account if I use webmail.>Madonna.21799
That is good.>Madonna.21799
If that is case, there is no problem with your email>Madonna.21799
To fix the issue, we only need to change the port>Madonna.21799
number to 587.
To verify your settings in Outlook Express, please>Kristen_
follow the instructions in this link:
I did change the port number to 587.>Kristen_
That didn't change anything.
I am using Entourage - is it the same?>Madonna.21799
Please hold for one moment.>Madonna.21799
Thank you for patiently waiting.>Madonna.21799
Please refer to this link>Kristen_
This is showing the ports as 25 and 110?>Madonna.21799
That is the link to verify Entourage X (Mac) settings.>Kristen_
I am not using the server ->Madonna.21799
I am using a hosted server (
Are you using this for a business account?>Kristen_
And it was working for several months with the>Madonna.21799
current settings...and then stopped working last week.
Thank you for that information.>Kristen_
Did Comcast recently change the ports?>Madonna.21799
I suggest to contact Comcast business department, Kristen.>Madonna.21799
The phone number to talk to a representative in Comcast>Madonna.21799
Business is 1-800-316-1619.
I apologize for the inconvenience.>Kristen_
It isn't a Comcast business is my home cable>Kristen_
internet service.
Only the mail account (through another provider) has>Kristen_
anything to do with business...
It shouldn't matter for this question.>Madonna.21799
I understand your concern. However, the outgoing server you>Kristen_
are using is for business account.
But I don't have a business account with Comcast!>Kristen_
It shouldn't matter what it is for - how it works through>Madonna.21799
Comcast should be the same.
Can you receive email messages?>Kristen_
Just not send via Entourage.>Kristen_
Since last Thursday.>Madonna.21799
Since you are able to receive email messages using>Kristen_
Comcast incoming mail server then there is no problem
with your incoming server.
Right. I am not worried about my incoming server.>Madonna.21799
Only outgoing.
The issue is with your Outgoing server since you are using>Kristen_
a different port
I am using the same server for both.>Kristen_
And I changed the outgoing port to 587 as directed.>Kristen_
Would the company hosting the incoming mail server have>Madonna.21799
to do anything to work with the new port #?
Can you try to send a test email again?>Kristen_
I just did. Several times. It doesn't work.>Kristen_
In my previous question I meant the company hosting the>Madonna.21799
receiving mail server - do they have to do anything to
make the 587 thing work?
It depends on the mail server provider, Kristen.>Kristen_
In general - if you change the port - does something>Kristen_
have to happen on their end to make things line up?
The host is 3Dcart...if that matters.>Madonna.21799
Can you put a check mark on the box that says>Kristen_
"smtp server requires authentication"
It is already checked. Using the same authentication>Madonna.21799
as incoming mail.
Are you using Comcast mail server?>Kristen_
No. The hosted one at ->Kristen_
hosted by 3DCart.
Which was working until last Thursday.>Kristen_
When something somewhere apparently changed.>Kristen_
Like the port #.>Madonna.21799
It will not work if you will use>Kristen_
Why did it work for 5 months and now won't?>Kristen_
I need my outgoing mail to have the same address as incoming>Madonna.21799
...if I can receive mail on that server, why can't I send it?
The port 587 is for Comcast mail server.>Kristen_
Did you recently start blocking port 25?>Kristen_
Does the other company need to change their port to 587 for it to>Madonna.21799
work it I am using Comcast as my ISP?
This error indicates that your port 25 has been blocked.>Kristen_
Comcast has determined that your computer has been infected
with a virus and has been used to send out spam, liekly without
your knowledge. By closing this port, we've taken steps to
protect your computer from being used to send spam.
OK. So I need to get them to set it up to send on another port?>Kristen_
When was I sending spam (I wasn't - but when do they think I was?)>Madonna.21799
I don't have a virus...
Yes, Kristen.>Kristen_
So if the host changes the outgoing mail port to 587 then>Madonna.21799
everything should work?
Yes, Kristen.>Kristen_
Thanks. I will talk to them.>

1 comment:
OMFG - I would be killing EVERYTHING in my path after that customer service exchange.
"Yes, Kristen"
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